Wednesday, April 9, 2008

We have much to be thankful for.

I was reading a story, "Lou Gehrig, The Luckiest Man", with a group of 4th graders today. Something he repeatedly said was, "We have much to be thankful for." He stated this in the midst of his bout with a disease that eventually wiped out his central nervous system and killed him.

This made me think. Surrounded by 4th graders, I was reminded of just how much we have to be thankful for. I sat this morning in a stuffy room- hot enough to need to open windows and turn fans on. I was thankful for the warmth.

I am thankful for a job today. I am thankful to be working more than I had ever imagined during this season in my life. I am thankful for tired feet at the end of the day and the comfort I feel when I finally crawl under a heavy cold down comforter in a dark bedroom- careful not to disturb my slumbering roommate, Megan. I am thankful for relationships at the coffee house- for customers who are true and come back time and time again; people who remember my name and ask me about teaching. I am thankful for coworkers and sideways hugs that we share. I am thankful for a work environment where I am free to talk about my faith and discuss the greatness of our God and the richness of his blessings; the fact that I don't have to worry about a job for the fall because He has something waiting for me.

I am thankful for friends who call just to check in- even when I cannot return the phone calls during normal waking hours. I am thankful for Meg, who is 2 hours earlier in California, so that I CAN call her when I get off work after closing the coffee shop late at night. :)

And I'm thankful for this old run-down school that I am teaching at today. For it holds a certain black smell that reminds me of my dad's 3M factory job when I was a little girl- and the way his clothes would smell when I buried my face in them at the end of a day. Some things, some strange things, bring comfort in ways we never could have planned. I love that about life.


  1. I am thankful for my friend, Scipp...who is taking time away from her jobs and busy schedule to come visit little ol me and some boys all the way in Michigan.

    Can't wait to see you girl!

  2. I'm thankful for you too Heather, as I take a note from Martha--as you may have imagined I would, I smiled broadly at the reference to our late-night chats. Looking forward to catching up but, like with all friends who are very close, I'm not in a rush to do so. My connection with you is not contingent on the frequency of our conversations.
    Thank you for this post, I am CONSTANTLY needing reminding of how blessed I am!! I KNOW, it's dispicable that I would even question it for a moment, but it's hard not to have a friend yet and I focus on the one deficiency in my life instead of the ABUNDANCE of blessings I have. Your post reminded me that satan can't have my joy or keep my attention while I live such a full life.
    That's a pretty good byproduct of a blog post, doncha think?
    Luv ya
