Saturday, April 19, 2008

Headline News

Gnome Takes Death-Defying Leap
LINCOLN — In a sudden turn of events today, a porcelain gnome became the first of its kind to dive from upwards of 6 feet into a 4 inch deep pool of water. The gnome, whose name was not immediately released, suffered minor injuries and was rushed to a nearby hospital before local media sources arrived onsite. Witnesses describe hearing a sound similar to a door slamming, followed by a scream of onlookers as the gnome jumped off a nearby ledge.
Gnomes, also known as 'Gnoles' in some regions, are uncommon within the Lincoln city limits, but have seemingly been active in the community within the last two weeks.
The investigation is ongoing. Foul play is not suspected.
Many people believe the gnome, pictured above, was
fortunate to lose only part of his hat and foot which are seen
floating in the pool behind him.


  1. I'm glad you specified what was in the pool because I was thinking it was something else.....

  2. Now THAT is some nice journalism...I should know.
    Heather, you + me = talky time SOON
