Thursday, March 24, 2011

1 month old!

Happy one month to my sweet little babe! I can't believe it's already been a month since we were sent to the hospital and laboring in a blizzard on the 4th floor. People say all the time, "it goes so fast!".... but now I see that it really does. Holy cow!

And to my Lucy:


I love you more than I thought I could ever love someone. You make me laugh EVERY DAY, multiple times.

I think you may have smiled at me on purpose today. That, or you were just glad to have a clean diaper. :)

I'm learning your cries.

If I want you to wake up all I have to do is lay you down in your crib. This is both good and bad.

You LOVE to snuggle and so do I. We spend a LOT of time watching food network and catching up on old episodes of "The Office".

They keep telling me I CANNOT spoil you by holding you too much, and I'm taking this advice very seriously.

Charlie really likes your pacifiers. We run them through the dishwasher on a daily basis.

You're learning to bat at toys with your hands.

I read to you every day in hopes that you'll share my love for literature. I think it's working. :)

There are already so many people in love with you.

I can't stop smelling you after you have a bath.

Charlie is VERY protective of you and always lets us know when you're rousing from a nap. We joke that we don't need a monitor when we've got Charlie. He has made it his duty to be your protector.

You grew from 6.10 to 7.5 pounds in a week and a half. I haven't weighed you lately, but I'm guessing you're over 8 pounds now. You're feeling stronger and less "breakable". I don't worry so much when I pull clothes on or off over your little head now.

You're holding your neck on your own for longer periods of time and pulling your body whichever direction you want to go.

You can already go from your back to your side all by yourself. You'll be rolling over in no time!


You don’t like wearing this hat today. Sad smile 

Little love, we are crazy about you. The last month has flown by and I'm looking forward to spring with you. Here's to the next month of growing and smiling!

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