Monday, November 12, 2007

Back-comb, shmack-comb

I've given it over a week. I've tried different techniques, different kinds of combs, different no avail. I cannot learn to backcomb my hair! It's hopeless. I've asked for advice, I've looked online....I just can't do it. Here's my new haircut. Very nice- compliments of Martha.
You can see in the second photo, that I have a headband in. Now, wouldn't it be nice to have a little more volume in the back? That's what I thought too. I can't get it to stay. What usually happens is that I start with a little hairspray at the root and I try to lift it with my fingers or a comb. Then, I spray a little more....still, nothing. Then a little more and more and more...until it's time to go and all I've got left is a flat top-o-the-head full of cruncy, sticky hairspray. Awesome.
So, I'm asking those of you who know a thing or two about back-combing.....what am I doing wrong?!?!?!?! Help!

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