Monday, March 8, 2010

Post #301- 1st grade story

I just HAD to share this story with you.

This is from the same student who produced the poems "vacuum", "scratch", etc. from a February post. Here's a story he wrote this week.

I have a kitty! We got her from the vet.
Meow, meow, meow went the kitty all the way home in the truck. We named her Meow.
I was bugging the cat. Poke, poke, poke! ERR! Meow clawed my cheek! OUCH! She made me bleed.
Pet her nicely! It makes Meow angry when I'm not gentle.
I like to play with kitty.

love. it.


  1. GAH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I LOVE YOU FOR POSTING THIS! Actually, I love you for a lot more and better reasons than that, but this just adds to the overall effect. THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST!

  2. thanks for the 1st grader inspiration. it is so great!

  3. I hate cats. But I love this story ABOUT cats! I sure would like to meet this lil guy, he sounds like a good one!
