Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Four Months

Four months. Can you believe that? It has been four months since Heather and I have been married. Yes, you read that correctly...Heather and I. Heather is not blogging tonight, nor does she know I am secretly blogging on her webpage. She is quietly working on grades for her little kiddos out in the living room.

Why am I blogging? Well, I felt the need to let everyone know how incredibly blessed I am. Each day I realize more and more the complexity and beauty that is wrapped around her. I love Heather’s character. Almost daily I am shown the depth of her character and values. She makes me a stronger man. I love her family. Holidays just keep getting better and better. Understanding their humor and jokes…baking with them. The wisdom and love of her Grandfather, the laughter of one Grandmother and the sweet smile of the other. A strong heritage of blessings. I love the quiet moments with her in my arms. Something about her resting in my arms lets me know she trusts me and she feels safe. It brings out my desire to protect her. Tears. I love her tears. I am learning that Heather is emotional…and I love it. She cares so deeply. She loves so strongly. And that love often leads to tears. Her beauty. Heather has natural beauty. In the grocery store you see horrific photos plastered on gossip magazines of celebrities without make-up. Every morning I wake up to Heather without make-up and I find myself just as attracted. She’s beautiful. No make-up required: natural beauty. Comfort. There’s something about the comfort of just knowing someone and being known. One of the greatest blessings of the last four months has been the deepening of our friendship. The one with whom I can share life’s pains, struggles, joys, and dreams. Laughing at each other and being the silly people that we really are. What a freedom to have that friend with whom you can just be yourself. That’s Heather for me. Heather is one amazing woman…more than I even realized four months ago standing up and exchanging vows.

I could go on and on, but I probably should wrap up before I get caught. Four months has flown past and I wouldn’t go back – I wouldn’t change anything. I have loved every minute of the past four months and get anxious for every minute in the future.



  1. Nate- we've known all along you were a keeper. thanks for loving, delighting in, and protecting our scipp!

  2. Nate, I'm starting to have some serious doubts about you...no one can be this perfect. That said, if you're for real*, then I can only second Carissa's eloquent response.

    *we know you're for real

  3. Scipp- you should change your password. hahahaha just kiddin.

    Hi Nate.

    Thanks for reminding me to reflect on my own marriage...how easy to forget these feelings when we get busy....miss you guys.

  4. What a blessing it is to have a son-in-law who loves our girl as much as we do! The two of you fit together perfectly - as God intended. Heather LOVES being your wife.

    Glad to hear the family time in Norfolk hasn't scared you away, we enjoy spending time with you and look forward to knowing you even better.

    Oh and I must say, you are a great helper in the kitchen (wink wink)!

    Love, Queen Mother
