Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26 gender reveal!!!

Today.....TODAY we find out if Baby E is a he or a she. I can't wait!!! I've put myself out at work today getting my classroom ready for post-fall break, new calendar, report cards are done, new seating arrangement....

I'm trying everything to keep my mind off of the VERY exciting appointment we have today.

And to be honest, I'm a little scared. I'm trying really hard to "not be afraid"...but it's so easy to relive unpleasant appointments from the past and fear that we're going to be faced with more bad news today.

However, I'm trying to be simply joyful for this day. Excited for the news, hopeful for a clear picture, and so so eager to see the profile of our little miracle.

If you read this before or around 1pm, please pray for our appointment- that things will go well, that we will be ready to receive the news they have for us (hopefully good news) and that we would be able to enjoy our visit and the glimpse of our sweet little babe. I'll be back tonight or tomorrow with exciting news for you!!!

Enjoy this beautiful fall day!!

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