Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bathroom Makeover

We've been very busy this weekend with a bathroom project. Our master bath used to look like this:


(Clearly this photo was taken BEFORE we moved in. Nate wanted me to make sure you didn't assume WE had a shiny gold free standing toilet paper holder or a fluffy toilet seat cover.)


New hardware, paint, lights, mirrors, towel ring and toilet paper holder helped spiff up what used to be a stuck-in-the-ninety’s style bathroom and gave it a calm, modern feel. Eventually we’d like to lay tile- but not this weekend. :) Here are a few photos.



That is a new light fixture. I wish we had a photo of the old one. I’ll give you a description: shiny, gold, ruffled frosted glass.




New robe hooks:



And the finished product:


And here’s what else we’ve been up to:


Saying farewell to some dear friends, Levi and Courtney, who now live in D.C.


Snuggling with Charlie.


LOTS of baking.


My class playing math BINGO with my para.


Birthday breakfast with a few great friends. Here’s a fun game: spot James in every picture.

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A Lincoln STARS hockey game.


A theme party for the LOST season premier. Even Charlie sported some Dharma gear. He is, after all, named after Charles Widmore. IMG_2574

New fabric for my next craft project.

IMG_2585 Pink pancakes for Valentine’s Day. They were from one of my first graders, the box said "just add water", and they were terrible.


Our only photo of the evening after the other 4 guests had already gone home- Valentine’s Day dinner with Jay & Liz.


And finally, one of my1st graders signing his book to “RuthE” the school service dog.



Have a great week, friends!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Demolition Day

Well, not really demolition per say....but we're redoing our master bathroom today. Nate's in there trimming and I'm waiting my turn to attack with the roller. Our color is "sage wood"- it's really pretty. I'll post before and after pictures as soon as we're done.

We're tearing out some old tri-fold medicine cabinets, switching out all of the shiny gold light fixtures and bringing in some brushed nickel details. Out with the GOLD, in with the new!!!

I've also been perusing ETSY a lot lately and it's totally inspiring me to create some "vondaful" things. Can't wait to show you!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

1st grade poetry

We just started poetry last week. Here are a few gems from one of my 1st graders.

I'm hot and tasty
on a bed of bread
covered with yellow and red
sitting on pickles
make sad
eat me all gone.

Crawl up rooms
doing a wacky dance
in the spotlight

Eat up dirt
yum yum yum

Mrs. Eigsti
Got treats
birthday breakfast
got treats
eat pancakes
have pop tarts
have cereal

Scratch on my face
scratch right there
eye scratched
little tree makes
my face bleed

School Bus
Ride the bus
a bus
in my seat
the radio is all gone.

I'm guessing that the school bus was too noisy so the driver turned the music off. :) I'll post some more soon. These poems make my world a little more delightful- one line at a time!

Happy Thursday, everyone!