Monday, December 12, 2011

Looped Jersey Scarf Tutorial

I whipped one of these up last week for a quick gift idea and it turned out so cute (and EASY) that I thought I should probably share.
What you need:

1 yard of jersey knit fabric (this will make 2 scarves)
Scissors or rotary cutter

Sewing machine


Wash and dry your fabric. (Always do this with new fabric, silly)

Lay your fabric out and fold it in half hamburger style (match up short ends). Find the middle and cut it in half so you have two LONG pieces. IMG_0379 Fold your fabric in half (right sides together if there is a right side) and pin. Run a straight stitch along the SHORT end of your fabric.IMG_0380This will give you a loop. 

Turn your loop inside out so the seam is on the inside. You can do this later if you forget, but it's easier if you do it now. IMG_0381 Place some pins about 2 or 3 inches down from your seam. These will be a guide when you cut. 

With a ruler and rotary cutter, cut strips 1 inch apart up to the pins.


After you cut all of them, you can tug on the strips and they'll bounce up and curl in. IMG_0383
That's it! See, I told you it was easy! IMG_0375
With my next one, I would maybe cut an extra strip and wrap it around my seam so you don't see it. I like how that looks. You could also do this with an old t-shirt by cutting horizontal 1-inch strips from the bottom up to create lots of separate loops. You'll stop cutting when you get to the armpits. Then, cut an extra strip and wrap them all together on one end. I'll probably hunt through my husband's shirts to see if there's a great color I can use.

Hope this makes sense. Let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

quick! quick!

I can't even tell you how many times I've started a blog post in the last two months and then got pulled away, leaving the post to sit in my drafts box FOR-EV-ER! Sad.

This morning I've found the magic of Cheerios and self feeding.

I've been really busy getting ready for my first show! There was an application process to be in a Holiday Boutique here in town and they chose ten vendors to set up tables. ten! I was so thrilled when she told me my things would fit in with the other vendors nicely. It's so hard to know how much to make of everything, and since I don't keep an inventory, I had lots to tackle. But I'm feeling pretty good about everything and am just polishing up the last few items.

Lucy is almost 9 months. Holy cow. I need to get more photos on here. Truth is, I rarely find myself on a real computer. I have a very smart phone now which allows me to check everything I need to away from the computer. So actually sitting down at a computer...doesn't happen.

OK, Cheerios are gone and both Lucy and Charlie are full. Can you guess why?

Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall is almost here!!!

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. I know, I know. I've already talked about this. You could probably find love letters to fall in every September/October of this blog since I've started it. I don't care. I'll say it again. I LOVE FALL!!!!!

There are certain friends that I think of daily during this season. I think it's because college was full of coffee shops and studying, open windows and sweatshirts, football games and rustling leaves across campus or apartment parking lots. We'd study late into the night with our apartment FREEZING from 40 degree temperatures- windows wide open and music filling the air. Warm beverages were never lacking and neither was the laughter.

I loved college and all the sweet memories.

And now, we're in a completely different season of life. I'm loving my role as a mom. Lucy couldn't be any sweeter. Our days are full of hugs, kisses and giggles. She's learning to play really well by herself and we've got NAPPING UNDER CONTROL!!!! (for the most part) :)

I didn't want to "cry it out". I did but I didn't. I wanted the time that comes with her naps. I've started a business from home and I NEED time to work. But I hated listening to her cry. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that most of her "crying" alone in her crib was more of a tired, complaining cry than an "I'm hurt/scared/uncomfortable" cry.

Most days it works really well. And our nights have been so. much. better. (!!!!) She sleeps from 9-5am, eats once and goes back to sleep until about 8am. That is an incredible change from our nights the past few months. Naps are coming along. I'm finding that it's really important for me to stay on schedule with her. She sleeps so much better when it's at the same time every day.

The most important thing I learned from all of you and your encouraging comments was that THIS IS NORMAL for a baby. Until now, I compared our little girl's sleeping habits to her only cousin, who has been sleeping through the night since week one. She also takes up to 3 naps a day- usually really good naps. So, I thought we were just incredibly messed up. Come to find out, little C is a super sleeper and not the norm. Phew!

Here are a few photos. Lady love is waking up- off to run some errands!

This girl LOVES her dog!

And her mama. :) (disregard my ridiculous facial expression)
Sitting up big for her 6-month calendar shot!

Senior picture, anyone?

Laughing at mom's song.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Seeping....or lack thereof

We. Are. Tired.

If you're a parent, you probably understand the struggle of getting a small child to sleep through the night, or through a nap, or through ten minutes, for that matter. Or perhaps you're one of the few parents blessed with a child that has been sleeping through the night since the day you brought her home. If this is you, please count your blessings and give the rest of us some sympathy!

We've really struggled with Lucy's sleeping. She's an absolutely delightful child when she's awake. She laughs, she plays, she hugs and kisses quicker than you can wipe the slobber off your face. But when it comes time to nap or go to bed for the night, girlfriend wants to SNUGGLE and be HELD. She'll fall asleep just fine but getting her to stay asleep is a completely different ballgame.

I tried the "cry it out" method when she was pretty small- maybe 1 1/2 or 2 months old and I gave it a good 25 minutes. She. Screamed. She was far more stubborn than I and I ended up going in to get her. It was later that week that we took her in and found out she had some pretty severe acid reflux. We put her on baby Prilosec and our pediatrician told us that excessive crying (i.e. letting her "cry it out") could lead to lots of swallowed air and an increase in gas, which in turn would create a more uncomfortable baby than with which we started. No good. So, I decided I didn't want to let her cry herself to sleep, I didn't mind holding her and I would do the best I could.

Fast forward four months and we're still struggling. What's confusing is that some days she'll sleep for 2 hours at nap time, no problems or through the night without a sound. Other times, she'll be sleeping for ten minutes and wake up. I've tried for HOURS to get her to go back to sleep, to no avail. This, my friends, is sooooo frustrating. Especially when mama is running on little sleep herself.

Nate is a wonderful helper at night. He gets up and helps with changing and swaddling while I get ready for a 30-minute rocking/feeding session. At that point, there's not much he can do, so he goes back to sleep. But he has to go to work the next day and be productive so sleep is a must for him. I can wander around the house in my pj's like a zombie all day if need be, but that isn't an option for him. I also hold onto the hope that I'll maybe, just maybe get a small little nap if she decides to sleep. He helps big time on the weekends, letting me sleep in and playing with his sweetie on Saturday mornings.

The inconsistency is getting very old and very exhausting.

We've been calling our friends with small children asking for advice. Here are some things we've already considered:

* teething
* growth spurt
* new foods SHE eats
* foods I eat that don't agree with her
* too much dairy
* too cold/hot in her room
* acid reflux- increasing the dosage (Dr. approved, of course)
* learned behaviors "if I cry, mom and dad come pick me up"
* try sleeping her on her stomach? When she sleeps through the night, we find her on her belly. Hmmm...
* have already read "Babywise". I'm still not sure what I think of it. Clearly we're not using it.

**It's easy to think you've "done something wrong" when your child still won't nap well or sleep through the night at 6 months. I'm learning to give myself some grace. This is a season and it WILL get better.

I'm trying some dietary things first to see if we can make her more comfortable as far as the acid reflux goes. I also started letting her cry herself to sleep today.
*Nap #1 this morning, she cried for one hour. I checked on her every ten minutes, rubbed her back or stomach and whispered quietly that it was time to sleep. She would smile at me and be quiet as a clam. As soon as I left the room, screaming ensued.
* Nap #2 this afternoon, she cried but after 20 minutes, she fell asleep. I'm not sure if she was so worn out from this morning and not sleeping, or if she is already starting to figure out that she needs to sleep. I'll take it. She's been up there for 2 hours sawing logs and I have been INCREDIBLY productive. You wouldn't believe how much sewing I've done. :)

If you have advice, please feel free to chime in. If not, and you're still reading, congratulations.

Parenting is HARD sometimes. But for all the struggles, the only thing you need is one little giggle or smile to make every frustrating thing melt away. This little girl has completely stolen our hearts. It's hard to imagine life without her. We sure do love our little Lucy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Back to School!

Today is the day when all the teachers go back to school.....but not me!!! I'll admit, I feel a little left out. A little. I will miss my friends at work; the friendly hallway banter, breakfast together on plan days, arguing over where to go for lunch, setting up a classroom and labeling crayon boxes for each student, things like that. But I'm SO EXCITED to be staying home this year with my little Lucy love. I feel really blessed to be staying with her today and not dropping her off at a daycare somewhere. I'm very happy with the decision we've made.

Summer seems to have gone by quickly, but not quite quickly enough for this fall-lover! I CANNOT WAIT for fall weather. I love everything about it: the food, the smells, the candles and lotions, long sleeves, cuddly clothes, more blankets, hot beverages, crisp air, rustling leaves, the colors on the trees, crockpots full of CHILI, baking, open windows, harvest at the farm, FOOTBALL SEASON (!), the excitement of upcoming holidays….everything. I love it all.

But in light of living in the moment, here are some more pictures from this summer:

Discovering flowers (and how to tear them apart).


Learning to eat food!


Curly hair- so cute!


Swinging with Grandpa E on the farm. This made her VERY sleepy!


Wearing mom’s hat


Getting new photos for our new website. (!)


And we can’t forget about Mr. Charlie.


My dear friend, Meg, came up with a dinner night called “We MexiCAN go out for dinner” or something equally cute. Her challenge for the evening was a free margarita to womever wore the "loudest" shirt. These were the top two “tops”:

Meg and Nate


Lucy laughed when she saw what he was wearing. And in July! Dad, how embarrassing!


Here’s part of the crew. Notice James is wearing a "taco" shirt. Very appropriate.


Lucy doesn’t know how gross that ball is….thankfully, it was just out of reach! (but not for long)


Taking a break from playing. These two are best buddies.


Lucy went to her first swimming party Sunday night.


She was pretty impartial to the whole experience. Take it or leave it. IMG_0054

But she loved snuggling with Dad in a nice warm towel.


We didn’t even make it three houses down before she fell asleep in the car on the way home. Swimming is EXHAUSTING! Especially for little first-timers.

I’m running in my first ever 5k race this Saturday. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’m really excited! Pictures to come!

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Fat Quarters Giveaway

Here's a sweet little blog I follow. She's doing a fat quarter giveaway. Every Thursday she does a giveaway. How fun is that?!



Lucy’s been enjoying summer- as you can see here:IMG_7627

We’ve had about a week of fusser-than-normal moments, restless nights, crying for no apparent reason….and I kept feeling her gums wondering if she was teething. After all, I’ve never had a teething baby before, I only know so many things to look for before I write it off. Well, yesterday she was chewing on my knuckle, one of her favorite things to do, when I felt a sharp little poke. And sure enough- THESE were popping through!IMG_7683IMG_7680

One of them is farther than the other, but they’re both definitely through!! I swear I check every day to see if there’s anything there. And yesterday, all of a sudden! People told me she’d grow up fast, but this is ridiculous!


Other fun things:

playing with the mirror before bath time every night.


Chewing on fingers.


Playing with mom and Charlie.


Kicking Charlie’s face. (He’s a VERY good sport).


Cooking with Grandma Tutu


Visits to Norfolk to see Great Grandma and Great Grandpa



My mom came to visit and stayed for a few days. We made some gifts for friends’ birthdays. They’re my newest homemade gift idea- coasters! They’re very cute and practical!


Here’s the design we have at our house.


These were for a friend (clearly). The pattern was foreign currency. He loves games like “Settlers of Catan” and “Ticket to Ride”. It was perfect for him.


I also whipped up this banner for a baby shower we had here for my good friend, Maggi. I used mostly vintage fabrics from Nate’s Grandma and mom. I loved the colors and I love that they have a history! Now they’ll help us celebrate birthdays and other fun events in our home.


Here’s the girls, minus Shari. We had a great time! And little E is going to be SO CUTE!!! We just can’t wait to meet her!


Also my brother James, who is a stellar graphic design artist, created some “bag tags” for my business. They’re so cute- I LOVE the logo he’s designed for us. Check out his other work- he’s good. Very good. And he’s nice too, so you can’t beat that!


If you’re in the market for a new logo or other graphic work, look him up. You won’t be disappointed, I promise.


Well….that’s about it. We’re staying inside where it’s nice and cool. Temps have been crazy high here. It’s too hot to even run outside at night. I’m bummed about that. I was really getting into a good groove. I might have to look into a gym membership for a few months if it stays this hot. I have a race coming up in the next month and I need to be ready! It’ll be my very first 5k and I’m really excited. And to be honest, I’m proud of myself. I’ve never stuck with it for this long before. Hooray for new hobbies!!!


Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


These should have gone in the last post. Alas.

A quick visit to see Martha & kids. Syd loved baby Lucy. :)Dead bug. Ha. Baby Finlee and beautiful mom, Molly. Looking pretty great after giving birth! And Finlee's hair is AMAZING!!!Family reunion. Grandma and "Mike's". She's just adorable. This is the only photo I have of Lucy on her first 4th of July. She was cooling off after our hot walk home from Mike's. What a cutie. :)

Big sigh

Holy moly. What a weekend we've had....and it's already Wednesday now. Sheish! We've been uber busy...(story of our lives) with company, "traveling", and different places to be around town.

My cousin, his wife, and their 14-month old, Logan, stayed with us off and on since Thursday night. It was so fun to see them and it was the first time we've met their little guy since they live in Texas. They had two weddings here and family and friends to visit, so we mostly saw them in the mornings or evenings when we were balancing baths and bedtimes for both Logan and Lucy. Life with two under two was interesting, but fun. They left Sunday afternoon and we jetted over to Mike's for his annual 4th celebration, which ended VERY early for us since we had to get little Lucy to bed. It wasn't even dark when we found ourselves walking back home. We laughed at the life we now live and how different it is from what we previously knew as a couple without children. Different...but still wonderful. We ended up grabbing the monitor and sitting outside with some of the neighbors to watch the sky light up on the 4th. Very nice.

Friday night(back up) we saw another Logan, my good buddy from college. He was in town with his lady friend from North Carolina. It was SO. GOOD. to see him. And really nice to meet her...what a sweetie. Again, turned in early. :)

Saturday was catch up, house projects, grocery store, etc. day. You know how those are. We also were able to stop and see Lucy's new BFF, Finlee Ebbers, at the hospital. She was born Friday and we just couldn't wait to give her a squeeze. She's beautiful and Chris & Molly are elated. What a blessing to share the joyous moments with them. We love them.

We also realized that Saturday night church services may be a no-go for us from now on. Lucy gets way too cranky by the end as it pushes into her bath/bedtime. Noted.

Sunday we were on the road to Omaha for one day of a 3-day family reunion. We were sad to miss out on so much of the festivities, but the weekend was just too busy. We were also supposed to be up in Norfolk Saturday for their annual 4th of July fireworks celebration. My parents always open up their home to friends and family and we watch the fireworks at the lake from the front yard.

Monday was full of yard work, house work and recovering from having company- laundry, cooking, etc.

I'm not even sure why I'm giving you a detailed report on our weekend. I could have just written "we were busy"....but maybe it wouldn't have had the same effect. If you're still reading, you are loyal.

Today I'm trying to figure out if Lucy is cutting teeth, sick, or just really crabby. Or maybe her acid reflux creeping in again? We tried switching her meds to a lighter version....but I don't think that was a good idea. Target better have her Rx ready today or else...... :)

Sorry this is so painfully boring. I'm considering deleting this post...but this is real life, so I won't.

Happy Wednesday, friends.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Crystal Davy

Blogger friends, some of you have not heard that our dear friend, Crystal Davy, has released an EP on iTunes! Here's the link. It's beautiful. You won't be disappointed, I promise. Support her, she's wonderful. And her sweet sister, Melissa, provides a delightful addition to Crystal's vocals. Love, love, LOVE them.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Oatmeal shmoatmeal

I love the ease and "quickness" of microwave oatmeal....especially when I have a still-sleeping 4-months-old-today little girl and a tiny bit of time to enjoy my coffee and oatmeal. What I don't appreciate is that even though it's super speedy to make, it's so dag gum hot that I can't eat it for fifteen minutes after it comes out of the microwave. Rats.

In other news, Lucy and I were in Norfolk for 4 days last week visiting my parents. I have lots of great photos, but none of them are on this computer. Go figure. :) After Norfolk, we went to visit the other grandparents for Father's Day and then made a trip to Omaha the following day to visit Amber. We had lunch with her and Marisa and an all around fun girls day. By the time we got home we were ready to relax at home. I love traveling but man, it's nice to be back on your own turf.

In other news, I've been getting lots of new orders- thank you to all of you supportive friends who are placing orders or telling your friends about Oliver and Lucy Designs! I didn't realize how much I enjoy sewing. It's been fun to have more time and now that Lucy is a more reliable night time sleeper and daytime napper, I'm getting lots more done.

I guess I never mentioned that my burp rags are now in a sweet little shop here in Lincoln! The Basket Bunch is carrying Oliver and Lucy products- woo hoo!! They've been selling really well, so I received a second order and I think that's what got me excited. They're selling enough of them to reorder! How fun. :)

Nap time is over. We're celebrating 4 months with this girl today! We love you so much, Lucy!!!